Electromagnetic Water Conditioners

Electromagnetic Water Conditioner

The HY-MAG® conditions water with magnets, not chemicals. This means you can use the HY-MAG® Electromagnetic Water Conditioner for potable water supply, and you don’t need to worry about maintenance.

Scale loves heat. If you put a hot surface (like a water heater) in hard water, scale forms around the surface in big crystals like this.

Electromagnetic Water Conditioner - Advantages:

  • Maintenance-free operation.
  • BMS connectivity available
  • WRAS Approved
  • Assists compliance with HSE’s Approved Code of Practice, L8, for the control of legionnaires disease
  • Environmentally friendly, operating without the need for regenerant chemicals or water wastage.
  • Available with connections sizes from DN15 to DN100

Electromagnetic Water Conditioner - Solutions:

  • Where hard water is supplied into your building
  • Where the water output needs to be potable
  • When protecting high value capital assets from scale formation is necessary.
  • When protecting water heating equipment from scale formation is necessary.

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Electromagnetic Water Conditioner